Acting Executive Headteacher
Mark Farrell
Acting Head of School
Kirsty Baish
Class Teachers
Miss Hopkins - Owls Class - EYFS and Year 1
Miss Smith - Hawks Class - Year 2
Miss Hoy & Mrs Sandhu - Kites Class - Years 3/4
Mrs Kennedy - Eagles Class - Years 5/6 (SENCO)
Mrs Reed (PPA/Leadership Cover)
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Johnson
Mrs Dent
Mr Day
Mrs Turner
Mrs Harris
Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs Johnson
Mrs Freeman
Miss Prior
Office Staff
Mrs Watts (Business Manager)
Mrs Kiernan (Admin Assistant)
Miss Fryer (Site Manager)
Mrs Gabrian (School Cook)
The Government requires schools to publish on its website details of the amount of time taken off by staff who are union officials.
The School does not have staff who take time off for union duties
The Government requires schools to publish on its website the number of individuals (if any) who earn over £100k, in £10k bandings.
No individual at this School earns over £100k.