
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)

Eagles Reflections Blog

Wednesday 12th June 2024

Wishes we could have for a baby..............................


Health and Happiness: May you always be healthy and filled with joy.

Love and Laughter: May your life be surrounded by love and laughter.
Curiosity and Wonder: May you always be curious and full of wonder about the world around you.
Strength and Courage: May you grow strong and courageous, ready to face life's challenges.
Kindness and Compassion: May your heart always be kind and compassionate towards others.
Dreams and Success: May you dream big and achieve all your goals.
Friendship and Connection: May you always have good friends and strong connections.
Learning and Growth: May you always love learning and growing.

Wednesday 5th June - a class poem about trust


In the playground where we play each day,
We build our friendships in a special way.
We laugh and share our secrets too,
Because with friends, there's trust, it's true.


We promise to keep each other's dreams,
Safe and sound like treasure gleams.
With trust, we know we'll always find,
A friend who's kind and oh so kind.


But sometimes trust can be quite tough,
When someone breaks a promise rough.
We learn to forgive and try again,
Because true friendship will remain.


So let's hold hands and take a leap,
Trust each other, not just skin deep.
For in our hearts, we'll always see,
Trust makes us strong, you and me.

Wednesday 6th March 2024

Yesterday the Worship Committee delivered a lovely assembly all about the reopening of the prayer space.  They talked about the rules and how to respect and use the space correctly.  They also shared the timetable so we know when and how many people can use it at the same time.

We are all excited about the new quizzes and prayer prompts.  Hopefully some of these prayers will be shared in Celebration assembly on Fridays.

Wednesday 28th February 2024.

How can we make a small change to preserve water?

Take less time in the shower.

Have a shower instead of a bath.

Turn off the tap when you are not using the water.

Turn off the tap when you are brushing a teeth.

Only put as much water into a cup as you want to drink.

Catch rain water in a container to water your garden.


Non Chronological Reports about a fictional insect from Pandora. Friday 16th February 2024

Completed Photomontage artwork - inspired by Chris Plowman. Monday 12th February 2024

Eagles Class took a walk around Brington Village and Church to learn how to estimate how old different buildings might be.

Interview a staff member.  Mrs Kennedy (19th January 2024)


What is your favourite colour?



Why did you want to become a teacher? What inspired you to become a teacher?

I always loved being at primary school when I was a child and thought my teacher in KS2 was amazing.  Mrs Kelly.  I didn't go to university when I finished school because I wasn't confident enough to go and meet so many new people!  When I met Mr Kennedy, he asked me what i would have like to do and I said I would have loved to be a teacher.  He told me to just do it so I applied to university when I was about 34 and the rest is history.


Do you like children?

Ha Ha.  I wouldn't spend 6 hours a day with a huge group of them if I didn't like them.  I'll tell you a secret - I prefer spending time with children than with other adults usually.


How long have you been teaching?

About 17 years


How many children do you have?

4 boys aged from 16 - 29


What is your favourite animal?

I like lots of different animals but do have a soft spot for a tiger.


What did you do before you were a teacher?

I had lots of different jobs.  I was an admin assistant at Yaxley Health Centre,  then I worked in a butchers shop as a shop assistant.  I worked as a secretary in a recruitment company and also as an admin assistant at Hinchingbrooke School.  




Imagine a future filled with smiles and awesome adventures! Here are our hopes for the years to come:

Team Friendship: Let's be best pals with people from all over the world. No matter where we're from or what we believe, let's celebrate how cool we all are together!


Nature Heroes: Picture a world where we're like superheroes for the Earth. We take care of plants, animals, and all the amazing things in nature.


Super Learning: Imagine if learning was like a big, exciting treasure hunt! Let's make sure everyone gets to join in and have fun while learning new things.


Kindness Power: In the future, let's all have kindness superpowers! We can help each other out, share smiles, and be there for our friends when they need us.


Idea Wizards: Think about a world where we can use our awesome ideas to solve problems and make things better. Let's be like wizards of imagination and creativity!


Healthy Heroes: We can be like superheroes for our bodies! Eating yummy and healthy foods, exercising, and taking care of ourselves so we can feel super strong and happy.


Peaceful Playgrounds: Imagine if everywhere felt like the best playground ever, where everyone gets along and has fun together. No more icky arguments—just lots of games and laughter!


Fair Play: Let's make sure everyone has a chance to play and have fun, no matter who they are. Fair play for everyone means lots of smiles for all!


Tech Wizards: Imagine using cool gadgets and gizmos to help people and make the world even more awesome. Let's be wizards of technology for good!


Happy Learning: Learning can be like a big, happy party! Let's discover new things, ask lots of questions, and have a blast growing our brains.


As we dream about this super awesome future, remember that each of us has the power to make it happen. With our kindness, big dreams, and teamwork, we can create a world that's even more incredible!


 Today we have spoken about advent and it's importance. 

What is advent?


Here is our advent wish to you... 


     October 2023 

     Today we have been thinking about our learning behaviours and how we LOVE to celebrate them in different ways. We ALWAYS look forward to celebration assembly because there are so many different awards such as...


mail Star Value Award 

mail Christian Value Award 

mail Good Manners Award 

mail French Award  

mail Times Tables Awards 


" I love not knowing who is going up and everyone claps so loudly"

"I love it when my sister gets an award because I don't know. I feel proud" 

"You can praise other people for doing things outside of school" 

"I love getting house points"

"When I get onto the boom I feel amazing because I've done something the teacher really likes or thinks WOW I am amazing right now!" 

    September 2023 


     We have been thinking about different ways we can encourage each other at school. We think it is important to... 

 heart Help each other 

heart Respect each other

heart Forgive each other 

heart Love each other 

heart Compliment them 

heart Empathise 

heartPep talks 

heartCelebrate with them 

Wednesday 28th June 2023 - How is my cup filled?

Tuesday 27th June 2023 - Viking Longship design and build

Friday 23rd June - Viking Day

Empathy Day.  Thursday 8th June 2023


Today we took part in Empathy Day 2023 and completed many different challenges.  First we made our 'Superhero Empathy Glasses' which will help us to see inside other people and how they may be feeling or thinking.  

We also watch several short video clips of authors and illustrators who recommended books to help us see the world through the eyes of others.  We found out how to make an empathy mind map and how this could help us identify our own emotions throughout the day.

In the afternoon we went on a community village walk through Brington (picking up litter as we went). We discussed how we may need to feel empathy for different members of our community, for example farmers or people who don't have access to transport. 

We finished our day with an empathy 'Draw with Rob'.


Empathy Day. Thursday 8th June 2023

Monday 5th June


Individual Liberty and Faith.

What does it mean to be full in my life?  

We watched a film about Noah's ark.  He build a huge boat to ensure that many of the species of animals were saved and allowed them to continue.  This showed great faith to keep going for such a long period of time.

If you have a full life it is more likely to be joyful.

Having a full life means to live it in the best way you can, know when to say no and taking advantage of every opportunity.

Have a family, be loved and give love to other people.

To experience everything that you want to experience and achieve everything that you aim for.



Monday 5th June - Did you know that rather than being just a groups of violent invaders, the Vikings were great inventors who made many new discoveries.  One of these was glue!  Eagles class spent time investigating the effectiveness of different types of glue.  Some of our results where somewhat surprising!

Monday 5th June - Glue Investigation

Wednesday 24th May.

This week the Collective Worship Committee produced and delivered an assembly about love. The story we told in this assembly was about Naomi and Ruth and their friendship and love. Love is one of our four school Christian values. We asked questions such as ‘Have you shown any Christian values today?’ and ‘Do you know anyone like Naomi and Ruth?’ and just like every assembly we lit our candle that shows God is with us wherever we go.

Written by our Collective Worship group.

Tuesday 24th May. Viking Weaving

Friday 19th May 2023.

Collective Worship Theme for the week - Forgiveness

Forgiveness is something we all do at school.  We use it to forgive others if they do something that they may need to think more deeply about.

We talked about the Prodigal Son in our Monday assembly with Mrs Howe.  We also listened to our 'forgiveness song' and joined as a school to sing it.  

We also make sure we forgive ourselves if we make mistakes.

Cross Country Championships 2003 - Tuesday 16th May

Friday 5th May 2023

CORONATION CELEBRATIONS!  We started our day with some cooking.  This afternoon our school will be celebration the King's Coronation with a fete.  We got busy preparing some cheese twists to share at the celebration.  

Wednesday 3rd May 2023

As part of our RE topic we were learning about the Holy Trinity and we had to represent it out of clay.  This was particularly tricky because we needed to come up with an idea which was different to the original and so many representations have already been made that it was hard to be original.  Also the clay was quite dry and hard so we were limited in what we could do.

Tuesday 2nd May 2023

Weaving was hard at first and is getting easier.  It sounded like it would be difficult but with practice it became more automatic.  We are weaving because we want to make a section of cloth using the same methods as the Vikings.  

Monday 24th April 2023.  Viking Boy.  Prologue

Three voices speak in the deep darkness by the giant roots of Yggdrasil, great tree of worlds, its colossal bulk rising high into the sky above.  “Spin and weave…” says the first, the oldest, voice of that which has been.


The prologue of Viking Boy is a mystery!  Who are The Sisters?  Where have they come from?  Do they live for ever?  What do they mean by, "Spin and Weave..."?   

We tried to put ourselves into their shoes with a little role play and freeze frame.  Who has the most effective expressoon?!?!?

Frida21st April 2023.  Making Butter the Viking Way.  


Who knew it could be so easy ----  and yet sooo hard to make butter.  A seemingly simple task of shaking cream until it separates into butter and butter milk - and yet- our arms ached from the 25 minutes worth of shaking.  After a little taste, we could not agree on whether it tasted delicious or disgusting.  Great fun though.

Monday 27th March - Cooking on a budget - group 2

Monday 20th March - Cooking on a budget

Monday 27th February 2023


Today was our second session in forest school and we learned how to light fires.  It was more difficult that it looked as you had to strike the metal objects together much harder that we initially thought.  Miss Smith showed us how to use both hay and cotton wool to get the fire going and we had a go at lighting cotton wool.  We also played a different game in another part of the forest.  Great fun but the afternoon goes by way too quickly!

Friday 24th February 2023

We spent a whole day finishing our retro futuristic art unit and bringing together all of the elements of our art for the first half term.  Look below for our stunning creations.  We had a lovely (and messy!) day.

Retro futuristic Art

Monday 20th February

Today we had our first whole class forest school session.  We were really looking forward to the experience and it certainly didn't disappoint.  We loved the different games and activities that we were shown and particularly the game of hide and seek.  Many thanks to Miss Smith for sharing  her expertise with all of the children and staff in Eagles Class.  We can't wait to light fires next week now!

Eagles Class - Forest School

Wednesday 21st December

What a lovely way to end the term.  Irena asked for some help with decorating Christmas biscuits so year 6 volunteered with great enthusiasm!  Look at our masterpieces below - what a tempting sight.  We shared a delicious Christmas lunch wearing magnificent crowns and played some board games we wanted to share from home.  

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all in Eagles Class.


Monday 12th December

We ended our topic of Climate Change by setting foot in our local environment of Brington Village to try and find evidence that local residents are making changes to the way they live in order to help slow down climate change.  We followed this up with a snowman making session and snowball fight!!

In the afternoon we recorded any evidence of supporting the environment on  map and then added our own ideas of how to go further with our environmental support.

Snowy Brington walk and playtime

6th November 2022

We have used both ICT and our own artwork to design an environmentally friendly classroom using all of the information we have gathered this term.  Today was time to start to create these masterpieces!

Our Environmentally Friendly School designs

Friday 14th October

We had a really informative workshop run by Richard from Anglian Water on Tuesday this week.  


We now know much more about how our water is treated and cleaned.  Our favourite part was when we mixed up lots of different things including tea bags, toilet roll, cereal, wet wipes and pretend waste from our bodies!  The sludge it made made a good point about what things we shouldn't flush down the toilet.

We also found out that we can waste more than 6 litres of water each time we brush our teeth if we leave the water running!

Richard had some really funny stories about things that can happen inside the sewage pipes.  We were all glad that the puppy which got flushed down the toilet had a happy ending!


Anglian Water Workshop

Friday 30th September 2022

This week we had an extremely informative workshop session with a visitor from Amey Cespa, the recycling company from Waterbeach.  We are now fully confident when deciding which bin to put in our different types of rubbish.


Friday 23rd September 2022

On Monday this week, there was a bank holiday because the Queen passed away and her funeral was on Monday.  Most of us watched it - the music was very sad and the drumming was soulful.  We are very sad that we may never have a queen again in our lifetimes.


This week we drafted our newspaper articles about Ernest Brightstorm's possible robbery and death from the book 'Brightstorm'.  


On Friday afternoon we enjoyed our art lesson.  We collected flowers and leaves from outside and had a go at sketching from observations including shading  and line drawing.



Friday 16th September

This week we enjoyed dissecting flowers.  

Friday 9th September 2022

Year 6 would like to give a warm welcome to our new members of class.  Hello - wonderful year 5's!.

We have had a great first week back in school after the summer holidays with everyone excited to see their friends again and get back into a routine.  

There was some very sad news yesterday - the Queen has died so we are feeling a little bit sombre today and would like to pay our respects to her family. 

We are all a little tired after a busy first week and looking forward to working together this year.

Week Commencing Monday 13th June 2022

Oh we do like our science in Eagles class.  This week we completed our forces unit by planning and carrying out an investigation into friction.  We had to drag an object over a range of different surfaces and use a force meter to see which one needed the most force to move it.  We concluded that the rougher the surface, the more friction there was between the surface and the object.  


W/C Monday 6th June 2022


After we all enjoyed a week for half term we are back again and working as hard as ever.  This week we created our mosaic art.  This proved to be more of a challenge than we thought it would as we were restricted by having to use whole squares to make up our design.  We got quite a lot of paint in our hair also!

Mosaic Art

Friday 20th May 2022

Science again today!!  This time we are looking at water resistance and aiming to compare two boats of the same design but one will be adorned with a sail!  In theory, the boat with a sail will be blown more quickly to the other side of the tub.  In reality, some of our sails were a little heavy and our boats quickly got soggy and sank to the bottom of the ocean.  The ones that were successful did prove that the addition of wind to a streamlined design will speed up the boat.

Making sailing boats.

Friday 13th May 2022

Science today was all about air resistance.  We had a go at making different sized parachutes to see if there would be any difference in the drop speed.  Even though it was rather windy in the forest area and some of us needed to drop our parachutes off a high climbing bar in the hall, we all demonstrated that the larger the parachute, the slower the drop speed.


Friday 6th May 2022


What an absolutely unforgettable week.    We loved our residential at Grafham at the start of this week.  Even the rain didn't stop our climbing and sailing activities.  The food was brilliant and we all slept well!  The week ended with a bang as many of us joined the Young Voices choir on Friday.  Once we got used to the volume, we threw ourselves into the songs and sang our hearts out.  We arrived back at school at midnight - nearly all of us fell asleep on the bus. 

Friday 22nd April 2022

The highlight of this (very short 4 day week due to Easter Monday) was our athletics lesson.  Mrs David from Hunts Schools Sports Partnership taught us how to maximise the use of our bodies to squeeze extra speed from our sprinting.

In science, although it looked like we were just dropping balls from the top of the tower in the forest area, we were actually investigating the effect of gravity on the rate of falling objects which are the same size but different weights.  Take a look at the videos below to discover our findings.

We also became familiar with the story of Romulus and Remus and now know the story of the beginning of Rome.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

31st March 2022

The last two weeks have flown by in a whirlwind of end of term activities and events!

We had the wonderful Mothers Day shop last week and made some beautiful cards for the special ladies at home.  These cards were linked to our art for this term and made use of a vanishing point to show off our new skills.

Our Easter cards for our pals in France got posted just in time and we hope they receive them before they also break up for their holidays.  

Some of us in Year 6 came back to school to hear some detailed information about our SATS next term and took some past papers to look over for the weekend.

During our last PSHE lesson we made some board games to demonstrate our knowledge about staying safe online.  Check our a few photos of these below.  

We finished the term by saying a temporary goodbye to Mrs Kiernan who will be away for the summer term.  Extra breaktime and biscuits were enjoyed by all.  Have a super Easter break everyone. 

Science Week - Friday 18th March 2022

We spent the last day of science week investigating how to separate a range of different materials.  There was quite a lot of mess by the end of the lesson.  We used a funnel and filter paper to separate sand from water and a sieve to separate rice, paperclips and sand.   

The sugar solution that we left to dry on the radiator last week has now returned to sugar crystal as all of the water evaporated from the solution.

Also this week we have spent two lessons designing a hexapod that could live on the moon of Pandora.  These will be used to write a non-chronological report next week explaining, using scientific language, how these insects survive. 

Science Week

Friday 11th March 2022

As we write this blog, we are relaxing with some perspective art.  We are using a vanishing point and a horizon line to draw a scene of a street with houses and trees.

On Wednesday we went on an educational walk to the local church.  In our topic we are studying our local area and as part of this topic, we studied the gravestones, the brickwork, and tiles.  We also took some rubbings.

We carried out a science investigation this week to test how the temperature of water would affect the speed of dissolving.  We discovered that the higher the temperature, the quicker sugar will dissolve.  At the present time we are waiting to see if the the water will evaporate and leave behind the sugar.  Is it a reversible change?

This week the school has also become a temporary home for pigs and sheep!!  They are so cute.  We all feel like farmers!


Science investigation into rates of dissolving

Walk to the Church

Friday 4th March 2022

We went on a wonderful welly walk.  We started off at the school and walked all of the way to Molesworth.  We went over bridges and through muddy fields.  We collected ideas for our senses writing including see snowdrops, crocuses and three different types of poo!

Today is our world book day dressing up day. This week we have listened to stories in a cosy read session, studied the book 'Where my wellies take me' and written our own recount of our walk to Molesworth.  

We started a new topic in Science all about materials.  We carried out an investigation to find which material would be the best thermal insulator.  (We were quite surprised by the results).


We are all sitting here waiting for our first school disco in TWO YEARS!!!

Bossy Boots

Welly Walk

Friday 25th February 2022

This week we have loved our school class guided reading book 'Can you see me.'  This story is about a pupil called Tally who has autism.  This makes her life quite difficult and frustrating.  The story is helping us to understand how pupils our age can find life different to us. 

On Thursday morning we had a walk around the village. Our aim was to study the windows, chimneys and rooves of buildings in our local area.   We are now getting the skills and knowledge to be able to tell how old a house is.

Also, this afternoon we have done one of our favourite lessons - for our last science lesson on classification we designed, drew, named and described an animal which has not yet evolved!  Examples include Pancat, Tigle, Winged Piggit, Floatus Basiliscus and the Mountain Palf.  

Friday 11th February 2022

We are LOVING our new writing unit 'Home Sweet Home'!  It is a feel-good story about friendship, teamwork, trust and (well we don't know because Mrs Kennedy hasn't let us watch the end yet!)

So far we have written a narrative from the perspective of one of the houses and upgraded our sentences by adding descriptive adjectives, adverbials and personification.  

Some of us (but not all of us) were fascinated to watch our dances back on video.  We spent time reflecting on the different qualities of the dance and wrote a mini-report to evaluate the final piece.

Finally, we have had another go at classifying objects - this time leaves.  Please see the photo gallery for examples.

Most of us are looking forward to a week of rest and relaxation after our busy term.


Classification of Leaves

Friday 4th February 2022

Our favourite lesson this week was definitely art!  As part of our local study topic, we will be designing buildings to suit the local area.  We watched a video which explained to us the concept of a single point of perspective and then followed the instructions to produce a drawing of our own.  The concentration and delight in producing such wonderfully accurate outcomes was a super end to another excellent week of learning.  Please see the picture gallery below for some examples of our work.

First point perspective drawings

Friday 28th January 2022


This week we developed our understanding of how to classify according to the rules of Carl Linneaus.  We had a selection of sweets which were made from different types of product and in a range of different colours and shapes.  We were asked to develop questions, which could only be answered with 'yes' or 'no' in order to develop different groups.  We had various levels of success with this task as the google doc on which we were trying to record our branching diagram was SOOO fiddly that it was almost impossible to manipulate the images!!  We were all very good and, even though we were sorely tempted, we didn't even sample one sweet!

Friday 7th January 2022



Great start back!  We are all having fun but it's a bit muddy!

Some of us really enjoyed maths because we have a new maths game called Prodigy for our homework.  We tried it and got quite excited - YAY.

Mrs Kennedy has read a few stories from the book 'Short' this week.  We were very scared (not really) but they were quite spooky. We are looking forward to writing our own spooky story.

Our new guided reading text is also really fun - Tuesday.  We are very keen to find out what happens to the frogs!

Anyway time to go now and listen to another spooky story.  

Friday 17th December 2021

We finished our wonderful 'Light up' Christmas decorations this week.  There was lots of swapping bulbs, wires and batteries to get them to work but we got there in the end.  

We also enjoyed eating lunch in our classroom all week.  Waitress service was blissful and the lunches were wonderful as always (thank you Irena).  We particularly loved our Christmas lunch, along with the festive crackers.  Pigs in blankets are the best!! 

On Friday we enjoyed a day of festive fun including the hilarious pantomime Aladdin.

This term the whole class have worked hard, played hard and had fun.  We are looking forward to two weeks to rest and be with our families.

See you in 2022!

Our 'Light up' Christmas designs

Friday 3rd December

This week we started our fabulous new writing unit.  Keeping on the theme of World War II, we watched a short video called 'Beyond the Lines'.  We all have a different theory on the reason for the title of the video and are slowly  unpicking the meaning behind the scenes.

In maths we are 'loving' long division with remainders.  Each lesson we get more and more confident with the method. 

We were hoping to start making our Christmas electricity decorations this week but Mrs Kennedy told us we need more practice building circuits first!!  Fingers crossed we can get stuck in with building these next week.



Friday 26th November 2021


The week when .............. we met a pilot!!!


We LOVED the online visit with the famous author Maz Evans last week!!  She was so interesting and had a wonderful childish humour that had us in stitches.  She has inspired us to read her books and Mrs Evans even had to order more for the library!


Thursday 18th November 2021

We made circuits from the electricity equipment to carry out an investigation to discover whether adding more bulbs to a circuit would affect the brightness of the bulbs.  We need to order more batteries as some of them were flat,  but loved it anyway!!


Friday 19th November 2021

In Maths, Mrs Kennedy let us write on our desks - it was so much fun.  It did have a purpose though.  We were using practical resources to learn how to divide three digit by one digit numbers.


Monday 22nd November 2021

We started our first draft of our autobiographies.  We are thoroughly enjoying the process of sharing our lives with each other.   


Tuesday 23rd November 2021

We were delighted to host an expert on Spitfires to our class on Tuesday afternoon.  Cliff Spinks told us about the development of planes in England and Germany throughout World War II.  He had a range of amazing photos showing him performing aerobatics. 


Wednesday 24th November

On Wednesday we raised money for Children in Need by setting out pennies onto the playground in the shape of a big Pudsey.  We made Pudsey pictures.  We loved planning and setting out games on the field for each other to try.

Also on Wednesday eight of us were trained to become Play Leaders.  This involved learning how to play different games, complete different challenges and create our games.  

