
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)




At Brington Primary, we expect all children to read with parents or an adult for a minimum of 15 minutes, four times per week.


We ask that parents of younger children complete the reading record book (provided by the school) each time reading takes place and that parents of older children check that the children themselves are completing their own reading record. This helps class teachers to monitor the reading completed outside of school and is also an effective form of communication between parents and teachers if necessary.


For children in KS2 who can read independently, there is not always a need for them to read aloud to an adult every time, but it is still important for parents to speak to and question their children about the text to ensure that they have an understanding of what they have read.


Key questions to ask when reading fiction with your child:

  • Do you understand what all the words mean?
  • Can you retell me the story in your own words? What happened first / next / after that?
  • What do think might happen next? Why?
  • Which is your favourite character? Why?
  • How is this character feeling? How can we tell?
  • If you could speak to this character, what would you say? Why?
  • If you could give him / her some advice, what would you tell them?
  • Why has the author used this word? How does it make you feel?
  • What did the author do here to put a picture in your head?


Key questions to ask when reading non-fiction with your child:

  • Where can we look to find information about..?
  • How is this information organised?
  • How do you know which bit to read first?
  • How has the author made this easy to understand?
  • Do you understand what all the words mean?
  • Can you tell me what you have learnt in your own words?
  • Do you have any more questions about this?


For children of all ages, it is crucial that they continue to be exposed to texts at a higher level than they are able to access by themselves. Please try to keep up a routine of reading to your child, even when they seem capable of reading the words in most texts. They will still need your support to learn and think about new vocabulary, big ideas and more challenging concepts. We have a huge selection of quality stories, poems and information texts in our school library and all Brington families are welcome to borrow books at any time.


The Brington staff have made some recommended fiction lists, which you can click on below. We are always happy to talk to families about the books are available in school and make some more recommendations!

Additional Questioning and reading resources...

Reading Tips

The BookTrust ( is a fantastic source of information for those wanting to read with their children more effectively. Please use the links below for additional BookTrust videos and e-books...


Reading with your child (4-6 year olds) click here


Examples of how to read with your child - click here


Topmarks phonics activities - click here


We understand that reading at home can sometimes be a challenge. If you would like any further support or advice, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher as soon as possible:
