
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)




Should you need to contact Miss Smith, please e-mail:


We will provide a response within two working days.

Lost Property

Please remember to clearly label each item of clothing belonging to your child. It makes reuniting them with lost items so much easier and helps them to take responsibility for their property.

Learning At Home


Weekly Home Learning is set using Google Classrooms. Login details remain the same as previous years and will be written in the back of reading journals. Please let us know if you are having any problems in accessing or using Google Classrooms and we will help you to sort them out as quickly as possible.


Home Learning - reading, spellings, maths fluency and times tables - will be posted on a Friday. Our spelling test will be on the following Friday. Please make sure you click on 'mark as done' to tell me you have completed your tasks at home!


Local Study


This half term we will be looking at the local area in History and how schools have changed over time. In English we will be writing letters and may even have some new friends joining the class to help us!


Our PE days are going to be Monday (PE) and Thursday (Forest School). Our PE is going to be outdoor pursuits this half term playing lots of teambuilding games, so please make sure to wear suitable PE clothing. Please also remember your waterproofs and warm clothes for Forest School as it is going to start getting colder. 


You can also see the medium term plan below :) 




Hello Hawks! 


This half term we will be learning all about SUPERHEROES! We will be writing character descriptions in English and we will be looking at the oceans and continents that superheroes fly to in Geography.


Our PE days are going to be Tuesday for indoor PE and Thursday for Forest School  (Same as last half term). Please make sure you bring your waterproofs with you on Thursdays as it is going to start getting colder and wetter. 


You can also see our medium term plan below. 

Hello Hawks class! When we come back to school we will be learning about SPACE! 


Our PE days are going to be Tuesday for indoor PE and Thursday for Forest School. Please make sure you bring your waterproofs with you on Thursdays as it is going to start getting colder and wetter. 


You can also see our medium term plan below. 


Summer Term 2 



This half term we will be learning about jungles. 


We will be looking at this in more depth in Geography by looking at jungles and rainforests in Brazil, and in English, where we will be writing persuasive letters to protect our jungle environments. 


Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday this half term and we are now swimming! Please make sure your child has all of the swimming kit they need on the day. 


The medium term plan is attached below if you would like to have a look. 

Summer Term 1 


The Great Fire of London


This half term we will be focusing on The Great Fire of London. We will be looking at this in topic and in our English lessons. It is going to be a very exciting topic as we have people coming in to teach us lots of new facts and information! 


Our PE days are now Wednesday (Forest School) and Thursday (PE lesson). Please wear long sleeves and long trousers on Forest School days as now it is going to start getting warmer the stinging nettles are going to start growing taller. 


The medium term plan for this term is attached if you would like to have a look. 

Spring Term 2 




This half term we will be continuing looking at toys. 


Our PE days are on a Tuesday and Wednesday (Forest School). Please make sure to keep bringing your waterproofs and wellies. 

Spring Term 1




Click on our medium term plan below to see planning learning objectives.


PE days will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday (Forest School). Please make sure you have wellies and full waterproofs every Thursday!

Autumn Term 2




We are so excited about our next topic and our planned visit to Rockingham Castle on Tuesday 7th November. By Christmas, we should all be castle experts! Take a look at the medium term plan below if you would like to see our planned learning in more detail.


PE days will continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday, with Thursday being Forest School so make sure you bring your warm waterproofs each week!

Teamwork - making rope ladders during Forest School sessions

Rockingham Castle

Printing in the style of Paul Klee

Autumn Term 1




Welcome to Year 1/2! We're starting off our year with a trip back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Have a look at the medium term plan below if you want to know what our learning objectives will be.


Hawks pupils will need to come to school in their PE kit on a Tuesday and Thursday. They will also need their Forest School kit every Thursday, no matter what the weather!


Mrs Evans, Miss Smith and Miss Page are looking forward to seeing everybody on Tuesday 5th September.


Enjoy the rest of your summer holiday smiley

Rugby Tots

Back at Forest School

Planning our 3D dinosaur heads


Summer Term

      Welcome back Hawks! This terms topic is TRANSPORT!


We have our exciting school trip planned to the Harry Potter Studios! 

Our PE days have now changed to SWIMMING SESSIONS WOOOOOHOOO! 

Please wear PE kit on Tuesday and Fridays. 

Please can your child bring their swimming kit into school on Tuesdays and Fridays. 




2020 Key Stage 1 tests



Summer Term 1 is here!! Welcome back SUPER STARS! 

This half term we are learning about Minibeasts and their habitats. In English we are going to be writing adventure stories using minibeasts as our characters. We are excited to see what you come up with. 




Spring Term

      Welcome back Hawks! This term we are going to be learning all about Roald Dahl and his life. 

       As you know already he has written a lot of amazing stories so we will be dipping into those and even making our own CHOCOLATE BARS!  We will be learning how to dance (Charlie and the Chocolate factory style!)


   Your PE days are WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS 




Welcome back! This term our topic is called Our Wonderful World! We are going to be identifying different trees and plants for Science out in the forest area! We are going to be creating some lovely Art with different materials and much more! 


Your PE days are Wednesday and Thursdays. 

This term we will also be out in the forest area on Tuesday afternoons please see attached letter for more information. 



Autumn Term

                 Welcome to your new topic celebrations from around the world! Get your passports ready we are going to be taking a trip (virtually) around the world stopping off at some amazing places experiencing some food and joining in with some famous festivals! Woooohooo lets get learning! 



Our PE days this term will be Wednesday and Thursday. Please come to school in your PE kit on those days. If you need further information about expected PE kit, please look at the uniform page on the school website.






                          Hi HAWKS! We are really looking forward to starting the year with you! We have so many things planned for the year that you will LOVE! 

On Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesdays you will be taught by Mrs B. On Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays you will be taught by Miss Hoy. This means that Wednesdays will be extra fun because you will have us both. smiley 

Your PE days are Wednesday & Thursday. 


We are kick starting the year with the topic... Drum roll please... 



Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 2022
