For the second half of this term we are continuing with our Stone Age learning. Our class text is The Wild Way Home and this will feed into our English story writing unit. DT will be looking at wattle and daub and how you can create this using traditional materials.
Our PE days are staying the same as last half term and will have a focus of Dance (indoor) and Football (outdoor)
We are looking forward to this half term and can't wait to get learning again!
As we head into our final half term together we are continuing our work on Ancient Egypt, including creating hieroglyphics and a look into the countries surrounding Egypt.
Our PE for the term is now Swimming and will be on a Monday and Friday afternoon - please make sure you have your swimming kit (with labels!) in on these days. You can wear normal PE kit for the rest of the school day.
This term we are looking at Ancient Egypt. Our focus is on the Pyramids and how they were made. We are planning lots of exciting activities looking at inventions.
Our class read this term is The Ancient Egypt Sleepover by Stephen Davies.
Welcome back! This half term we are excited to see were thsi book takes us. We have some very interesting visitors that are causing alot of excitiment again this term so keeo those eye peeled!
Our PE days are the same as last term Monday and Wednesday. Please can you send your child to school in their PE kit.
Welcome back KITES! We have an exciting term ahead! We can't wait for GREEK day on Wednesday 8th November where we will be trying some food and making mosaics and learning so much more.
Pupils will need to come to school in their PE kit on a Monday and Wednesday.
Welcome back KITES! We can't wait to get stuck into this term because we are learning about...
Ancient Greece
Kites pupils will need to come to school in their PE kit on a Monday and Wednesday.
Should you need to contact Mrs Baish or Miss Hoy, please e-mail:
We will provide a response within two working days.
Learning At Home
Weekly Home Learning is set using Google Classrooms. Login details have been sent out via e-mail and are located in the back of your reading journals. Please let us know if you are having any problems in accessing or using Google Classrooms and we will help you to sort them out as quickly as possible.
Home Learning - reading, spellings, maths fluency and times tables - will be posted on a Friday. Our spelling test and times tables challenge will be on a Friday. Please make sure you click on 'mark as done' to tell me you have completed your tasks!
Our learning this term will be themed around the groups of people who lived in Britain after the Romans and why those chose to settle here. We'll be reading sagas and narrative poetry and then having a go at writing some of our own. Look at the medium term plans below to find specific objectives.
PE days will continue to be Wednesday and Friday. Friday sessions will be in the Forest Area until half term so you will want to make sure you are wearing long trousers, long sleeves and have a waterproof coat and trousers in school. Please ensure you have named wellies on the rack at all times too!
After the half term holiday, we will be swimming twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You will need your swimming kit on these days - a towel, appropriate swim wear (and goggles if you wish), all clearly named in a named bag. On all days forecast to be sunny and warm, you will need a hat in school and you will need to have applied sun cream at home before school please. Remember your water bottle every day too!
Summer Term 2 is a busy one! In addition to swimming, we'll spend a day being Vikings in the Forest Area and we've got our end of year Key Stage 2 production to rehearse and perform. It'll be epic!
'The Saga of Erik the Viking' - graphic novel style plans to the finished sagas...
Making rope ladders and rope bridges! What teamwork!
Beowulf freeze frames
Haiku Poetry for Empathy Day
Spring Term 2
Extreme Earth
Spring Term 2 will be focused on finding out about volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural extreme events and then considering carefully how they impact upon people and also the landscape. We'll be doing lots of research and then recreating our own extreme events in the school grounds. Look out for examples of our learning coming below. You might be able to spot some budding journalists or some future digital artists!
Take a look at our medium term plan below to find out more.
PE days will continue to be on a Wednesday and Friday, Please coming to school in your PE kit on those days.
Squares for the Peterborough Cathedral Coronation Quilt
Spring Term 1
What a brilliant half term it's going to be! We'll start by examining and building our own bridges whilst we consider what we already know about rivers before diving into our learning in Science and Geography - the water cycle and physical features of rivers. It's one of my favourite topic areas and we're going to try to get outside as much as we can so please make sure you have a good pair of wellies on the rack and that you bring a suitable waterproof coat to school every day!
PE will continue to be on Wednesday and Friday each week - please come in your PE kits on those days. See our 'Uniform' page for uniform requirements.
Click on the link below to see what else we'll be learning...
Welcome back! We're learning all about the Stone Age this term and we've got lots of exciting activities planned. Take a look at the medium term plan below to see our weekly objectives.
Our PE days this term will be Wednesday and Friday. Please come to school in your PE kit on those days. If you need further information about expected PE kit, please look at the uniform page on the school website.
Stone Age Tools: Investigating Shaping and Attaching Techniques
Stop Motion Animation
Summer Term 2 2022
Ancient Egypt
We're continuing with our focus on Egypt for this half term, considering what and how we know about life so many thousands of years ago. We've also got our end of year production of 'Robin Hood', which I know you will enjoy! Look at our medium term plan below to see specific learning objectives...
Don't forget that swimming lessons start after half term. Our swimming days are Wednesday and Thursday and you will need to bring your swimming kit on those days. You will need to wear your PE kit on these days - if we cannot use the pool for some reason we'll be doing some athletics. Sports Day is Friday 1st July.
We're travelling back in time again, this time to Ancient Egypt and the Valley of the Kings! I know lots of you are excited about this topic and you won't be disappointed. We'll be learning all about mummification, hieroglyphics and how the pyramids were constructed without the use of machinery. We've also got a couple of additional special events next half term and lots of you are coming to sing at the O2 in London for 'Young Voices'. Phew! Have a look at our medium term plan below to see specific learning objectives...
Our PE days this half term will be Tuesday and Wednesday. Please come to school in your PE kits on these days.
Pyramid modelling - trickier than we thought it would be but we were resilient!
Diary entries
Spring Term 2 2022
Brington and Beyond
This half term, we will be studying our local area from a historical perspective. We'll also be looking closely at the buildings and landscape around school. This means we will be out and about a lot in the next few weeks so make sure you always have a waterproof coat in school and keep those wellies on the rack!
Our PE days will be on Thursday and Friday this half term. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
Click on the link below to see our planned learning up to the end of the Spring Term.
Cambridge Burnt Cream - 10/10 from Irina and Mr Farrell!
We love World Book Day!
Observational Sketching in Brington
A reply from Maz Evans!
Collage in the style of Tracey English
Spring Term 1 2022
Brington and Beyond
During Spring Term 1, we will be exploring our local area from a geographical perspective. Let's get those maps out! We'll also be learning about forces and we've got some magical texts lined up for English lessons. Get ready for lots of walks and investigations in and around Brington...
Our PE days will remain the same until at least half term. Please come to school in your PE kit on Thursdays and Fridays.
Scavenger Hunt - Finding items for the Hidden Folk houses!
Narrative - 'By Ash, Oak and Thorn'
Poems and watercolours inspired by 'The Lost Spells'
Autumn Term 2 2021
The Ancient Greeks
The Kites have made an excellent start to their Ancient Greece topic! We've been to Athens for the day to take part in traditional crafts and a performance of comedies and tragedies, discovered loads about the gods and goddesses and started our new favourite fiction text, 'Who Let the Gods Out'. This coming half term will involve a virtual visit from the author of that story and a focus on the myths of the Ancient Greek people. Our medium term plan is attached below.
PE days in the second half of the Autumn Term will swap to a Thursday and Friday. Please send children to school in PE kits on those days, making sure hoodies and jumpers are clearly marked with their names.
RE: Exploring the themes of light and dark through collage
A virtual visit from Maz Evans
Painting our Greek vases
Descriptive writing
Autumn Term 1 2021
The Ancient Greeks
The classroom is ready, the reading corner has lots of shiny new texts and it's time to travel back over 2000 years to Athens! Check out our medium term plan below if you would like to know what we'll be learning in more detail.
Your PE days will be on a Tuesday and Thursday this half term. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days (and make sure that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed). Further information about school uniform is available on the parent page of the website.
Investigating the role of decomposers in the food chain
A day in Ancient Greece - History Off the Page
Fun with food chains!
Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses
Designing and Testing Catapults!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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