We love learning and learning by playing with our friends. Owl class just embody Love. We even got a class certificate for Love in celebration assembly because Mrs Baish had seen it too.
How nice to have worked together last week. The year 5 pupils certainly showed our Christian value of service and the recpetion children showed the STAR value of team work.
We found out service can be helping to make our school even better. We decided a way we could help would be to get the vegetable beds ready for planting.
We all had a fork or trowel and used our forest school skills to identify different weeds.
Its all ready for us to plant our seedlings in next term.
We enjoyed doing STEM activities for maths each day of Science week. We made bridges for The three Billy Goats Gruff, made castles on shaving foam clouds and helped make a boat for the gingerbread man to cross the river.
We really have developed our teamwork skills and are good at listening to each others ideas.
A huge thank you for all our costumes. We had a great day and enjoyed showing off our dance moves at the disco.
We love the rabbits. They had to come inside because it is too cold outside.
They like our stories.
We read the Wrong Kind of knight and made him a castle. I had a flag on my castle. I liked the draw bridge because we put little pipe cleaners through holes to make the drawbridge go up and down.
What an ambitious class to design such detailed castles and spend time drawing on the stone work designs!
We had an excellent trip to Rockingham Castle. Our tour guide said we were really good at listening and asking questions. We looked at some very old things and spent time in the gardens at the castle.
In Owls class we are very good at working in groups to build things. We looked at pictures of what a Motte and Bailey castle would look like and then re created them using loose parts that we found in our classrooom. We had to listen to each other and take turns to make them look fantastic.
We did not need our teachers help. So we now know all about self belief.
We have been exploring with our own buckets of dinosaurs. We went to the libaray the forest and the church yard. We enjoyed being out of the classroom and telling our own stories.
We are enjoying using our PE skills to build our teamwork skills. We cheer for each other.
We have been reading the book dinosaur Roar. Our learning has involved rhyming words and thinking what the different words might mean.
We have been busy finding out where everything is. We know that we need to be safe at school and Mrs Howe is here to help us keep safe.