Sports Day
This year the school council are working on creating their very own race for the children to take part in on Sports Day. We have been working hard on our Healthy School Award and part of this is encouraging children to become more active. When doing this the council decided to host a pupil voice assembly to get ideas on different races that the children might want to take part in. The final list has been decided so watch this space to find out more on which exciting new race we are adding.
Battery Box
This year the School Council have been looking at some eco initiatives as well as our healthy ones and we are pleased to announce that we are now a battery recycling station. There is a box in the front office where you can bring a range of batteries and when this is full Miss Hoy will contact the charity to take them away for us and recycle them properly.
Snack Table - February 2024
This month our chosen fruit snack is going to be a Kiwi. The school were challenged to find out some interesting facts about the kiwi and let the School Council know. Here are some that we have been told:
Snack Table - January 2024
This week saw the return of our now monthly snack table! The Council voted on a fruit pot so we had pineapple, raspberries, grapes and bananas. It was a great success and we are looking forward to planning next months snack.
Snack Table
We have been asked a few times already this term about the snack table and whether it will be returning. The good news is that YES the table is going to return. Your new School Council members are making plans and we are hoping to have it up and running in the next 2 weeks. Look out for a parent mail letting you know when it will be back.
Run for Fun Week
The children have been working hard towards our Healthy School Award and part of this has been looking at ways to increase their daily movement. We trialed a 'Run for Fun' week and set a challenge of as a school running the equivalent of Brington to Buckingham Palace and back. This is 138.6 miles and I'm pleased to say that we managed even further than this! As a School Council we are going to write to King Charles to let him know of our achievements and how hard we are working on improving our over all health - mental and physical. We are going to be continuing with this challenge to see how far we can run this year and look at this at the end of each term.
School Council - Summer Round Up
This year has flown by and we are already nearing the summer holidays. The School Council have done a wonderful job with our snack table, encouraging healthy choices and helping us move towards our Healthy School Award. They have been working hard at totalling up the House Points earned. These will have to roll over to next year as we haven't got time in our calendar to do the proposed idea, but don't worry the councillors will be back to help when we need an extra pair of hands!
Recycling Poster Competition
This half term the school council would like to challenge you to design a poster that encourages people to put the correct recycling in the bin. They have made posters outlining the competition and when you need to submit your entry by.
There are two categories: 3-7 & 8-11 and anyone is free to enter.
Entries need to be on one side of A4 and must be in landscape.
Please give them to School Council or Miss Hoy by the 6th July to be entered.
The winner from each category could have their design printed and put on the side of the recycling trucks that come to your house to pick up the bins! The link to Huntingdonshire County Council site is below to hopefully help with any information you may need but please feel free to ask the School Council too.
Good Luck!
School Council - Spring Roundup
The School council have been blown away with how many children are coming to the snack table each week and trying new fruits. So far we have had... Kiwi, Pineapple, Mango, Cherries, Pears, Peaches, Pomegranate, Guava, Papaya, Summer Berries, Blueberries, Melon and there are more to come.
The Council have been thinking about how we can encourage eating more healthily at home and so have been advocating for not only fresh fruit, but tinned and frozen which have a longer shelf life and can be more cost effective if you are only eating smaller portions at a time.
To ensure we aren't wasting anything the Council have written to Mr Farrell to persuade him to get a compost bin for us to put the rinds, peel and waste fruit to good use in other areas of the school. Their flattery and persuasion worked and this will be purchased soon to be used in the summer term.
There are more lovely treats in store for Summer Term, including looking at drying our own fruit and how we could create smoothies for everyone.
School Council - Plans for the Year
This year the School Council has been focussing on a healthy eating initiative. They have come up with a Snack Table that runs each Thursday at break time and provides the children with new fruits to try. As part of the reward system for trying new fruit each child is awarded a House Point. These will be added up at the end of each half term and a prize awarded to the House with the most points. So far each week has been very successful with almost every child trying a piece of fruit.