
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)


Collective Worship.  Tuesday 5th March 2024


Today our Collective Worship Committee talked to the whole school about our Prayer Space.  They had worked very hard to produce an informative and interesting assembly and made sure we all know which days and times we can use the Prayer Space.  There are going to be quizzes and challenges for us to think about and we got some great tips about how to write prayers if we would like to.

Thank you from all of us to the Collective Worship Committee.

Collective Worship - Thursday 7th December 2023. Courage.

Collective Worship. 5th October. Why class and school rules are important.

18th September 2023

For their first task of the year, the Worship Committee have started to revamp our worship space in school.  They will be setting different tasks and challenges each year for the school community to take part in. Watch this space!

R.E council Blog



Today the new R.E council had their first meeting of the school year. There will be many improvements including: Updating the prayer space, charity work, guided activities and much more! The R.E council is excited to be holding assemblies and doing things with you this year. I hope you are too. This year we hope to be doing more things like activities; arts and crafts and assemblies (as already said.). 


 From, Eagles R.E council


Wednesday 21st June 2023. Collective worship. Bishops Challenge

Wednesday 24th May 2023

This week the Collective Worship Committee produced and delivered an assembly about love. The story we told in this assembly was about Naomi and Ruth and their friendship and love. Love is one of our four school Christian values. We asked questions such as ‘Have you shown any Christian values today?’ and ‘Do you know anyone like Naomi and Ruth?’ and just like every assembly we lit our candle that shows God is with us wherever we go.

Written by our Collective Worship group.


Friday 17th March 2023

This week we did an assembly on hopes and dreams. We gave each pupil a paper feather to write their hopes and dreams on. We have now started to staple the feathers in the shape of angel wings. Our goal for this is that whenever somebody is feeling sad or lonely they can go and look at the board or stand in front of it and have the hopes and dreams of all the people in Brington School surrounding them and comforting them. 


We started with white feathers then went a light blue shade of feathers and hopefully on Monday the 20th we will finish the wings with grey feathers at the bottom. We are grateful to everyone for helping us do this wonderful display and hope that all the people in the school will like it.


In eagles class in our RE topic we are doing learning related to Jesus’s death like, the events in the Holy Week-Easter, Why did Jesus die? And the Communion celebration.


This coming summer we are going to be doing a lot of assemblies so we will keep you updated. And we will be doing some prayers related to mothers day as that is coming up.   Written by the Worship Committee


Wednesday 18th January 2023.  

This week on Wednesday, the RE council are hosted some fun teamwork building games for the different houses of our school (St John, St Matthew, St Mark and St Luke.) We took a house per pair and hope both Ks1 and Ks2 enjoyed the games we set out for them instead of having an assembly for 15 to 20 minutes on that day.   We assembled our game at lunch/silent reading time.


St Matthew played two games called hula-hoop pass and the other game was cross the river. St Luke played the tagging hot dog game and pass the ball (under and over race.) St Mark completed a treasure hunt with riddles to solve and find.  Finally St John played an extended game of traffic cops on the field.


We are also hoping to input new ideas on how our school does collective worship and how we could make it more enjoyable and do different kinds of prayers and showing our Christian Ethos values (Service, Courage, Love and Forgiveness.) In the Summer Term, we are also thinking about giving the prayer space a make over with paint-and pva glue on top of the new coat this time-as the paint is peeling off from the bricks due to the cold and damp weather we have been having recently.


Every Friday two of our team members read two prayers in Celebration Assembly that the pupils have written, while some are private, some are public and these we read in assemblies. We are considering asking groups of children each week to create a prayer about a certain thing they are grateful for or wish to share with others.



18th January 2023. Teamwork.

In December Ks1 and Ks2 went to the Brington Church. We all sang songs and Ks1 did a small show along with the Worship Committee doing some readings helped by some other pupils in Year Six along with Year 2 making Christingles. Some of the songs we sang were: The Christingle song, Luly Lula and Away In A Manger. We also had some ringers from Catworth in to ring at the start of our service.

Using our new Prayer Space - 11th October 2022

Meeting the School Governors 30/09/2022

Today we met the school Governors. We created a presentation which explained what our Christian Values are and how they link to Saints and the Bible. We were able to answer their questions and they were all very nice!

Creation of our Prayer Space - Thursday 29/09/2022

Prayer Space Collective Worship  -  Wednesday 28th September 2022

Today we planned and delivered a collective worship session about how to use our prayer space including how to be respectful in the space and what to do with our private and public prayers.

Next we are going to paint the different bricks in the space so all of the children  know how to use the different areas.


Grace Writing 15th September 2022

We had a very busy day today.  First we spent time choosing from the lovely selection of graces written in our house groups yesterday.  These will be displayed around the school for everyone to use before lunchtime.

At the end of the day we had a planning meeting with Mrs Howe and Mrs Kennedy where we allocated our four Christian Values to prepare for our presentation to the governors later this month.
