
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)

Class Pages

Have you got something you are so proud of that you'd like the whole school to know about it?


Our weekly Celebration Assembly is the place where we share our achievements. If you would like to bring in a trophy, certificate or badge, or ask your parents to email photographs or short videos (to, please also fill in a Talk Tips sheet. This will help you remember all the reasons why you're sharing your special achievement. 


Email or bring in a printed copy of your Talk Tips to the School Office with your items.


Parents and carers - please can you support your child to fill in the Talk Tips or fill it in with them. If your child wants to complete the form at school, they will be given support.
