We can fill other people up by...
Playing tag with them
Go and get some friends to sit with.
Tell them I like them.
Encourage them to play.
Ask someone to get them some water to drink.
Ask what games they like to play.
Give them a hug.
Build a statue of them happy to remind them to be happy.
Make someone a card.
We get to make our own choices when we do busy learning on the terrace. We are all different and like different things.
On the lego table, Owls class were making transportations. Everyone was using wheels to make lorries and lots of other things.
The children on the hot wheels were working hard at building tracks and using their skills. The cars went fast on the tracks.
When people built trains they connected to each other until they broke down then they connect to each other to bring them to the station and the people go on their journey.
Choo, choo the trains are leaving the station and zooming past, putting the packages through the tunnels so the trains can collect it.
He is building a car and get on it and drive away. Brum, brum the car is racing past on the road.
These are the things that fill us up and make our lives great!
Seeing sausage dogs. Learning science about animals. Climbing trees. Having ice-cream. When I visit my brothers. Just lying on the grass. Having sleep overs at my friends house. Writing stories. Having a babysitter. Swimming and going on planes.
What a great list of things that make us feel fantastic!
We have had the best time this week. Our Bug Back Garden was so much fun. All our families came to see our work. I told my Mum all about the woodlice and why they like to be under the logs. Then we put out a moth trap and caught some moths. We found out they live longer than butterflies. They are really pretty. And we caught the biggest sparkly beetle ever!
Our school trip was the best day ever. The butterflies were enormous. We saw lizards and tarrantulas and snakes as well. One butterfly landed on my head it was funny. Thank you for letting us go on our trip.
Each day we say a prayer to go into lunch. This week here are our prayes we have said for lunch.
Dear Lord, Help us to say sorry when we push and kick. Amen.
Dear Lord, I am sorry that I hurt my freinds. Amen.
Dear Lord, Help me to say it's ok when things upset me, Amen.
Dear Lord, thank you for my friends and family, Amen.
We had a good think about how we have been showing our Christian value of Courage.
We went to the woods and made a ladder to get up the wooden castle. We kept on having to try if it was stable and I kept on falling down. You needed a grown up to hold it and make it safer.
Some people did swinging up to get on the castle. It was bigger than me.
I was brave on the tree swing because I nearly hit my head.
Getting down from the castle was even harder. I had to slide down, so when I had enough courage I could build myself up and Rupert encouraged me.
Today we went to the pond instead of going to forest school. We love the pond.
I found a nymph. It was yellow and wriggly. I found tiny flies. I got a wet arm.
We listened to the Easter story at church and built an Easter garden. Everyone made a stone to help Jesus have a path away from his tomb.
In the woods again. We had to bash leaves to print on a bit of cloth.
Our art work this term is learning about printing. We made these prints in sticky, yucky mud in the woods this week.
we went for a walk this week to look for signs of Spring. We found snowdrops, aconites, crocus and daffodils.
We have had visitors in Owls class this week. Some of kites class read us stories in snack time. We looked at each other's work from our English books.
We have only been back to school for a bit and we are cooking so many vegetables in a wok to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Our first week learning about different celebrations was great. We learnt how to put on a sari using our little maths people, we made rangoli patterns from powder and rice and we made our own diyas out of clay.
We are doing different excersise moves in PE. We can link our jumps with a way of moving and even a roll.
Our Archimboldo pictures look good. We used fruit and vegetables to make them.
We carried out a science experiment this week. Thank you to the year 1 children who helped record all the ideas, working in pairs. We had to use our sense of hearing so we could check all the things we could hear outside.
We have really enjoyed our leaning all over the school this week. We have been busy solving problems and working in a team in our back garden. We have loved showing care and love to animals in our RSPCA role play activity. We have solved problems in our maths work too, using the hall space to make big models to show the parts and whole of different numbers.
We did some sorting of nature stuff on Monday. We loved sorting things out. Everyone did! Even our brand new children who started school on Monday. They are awesome!
We've been having fun moving in different ways with our new early years friends. We moved as a sleigh, a cat, a princess carriage, a camel, a car and as if we were on a pogo stick. We have been reading "You choose" and there are lots of ways of travelling in it.
We have had fun on the terrace learning about bodies and animals.
We made biscuits on Friday and had a cup of tea because the Queen died and she really loved us and we loved her very much. We watched the Queen having tea with Paddington Bear to remember how great, thoughtful and kind she was. She liked to meet lots of people and we are sure she would have liked to have tea with us.