
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)

School Dinners

Brington is a NUT-FREE school.


No food containing nuts should be sent into school for snacks or in packed lunches. We do not use nuts in our school dinners. Thank you.

What's on the menu this week?


Our Summer menu will run for the first half term of the 2024-25 academic year. We have a three-week rota, with the following menus on the following weeks:


Summer 2024 - week commencingMenu
8 JulyWeek 3
15 JulyWeek 1
Autumn 2024 - week commencingMenu
2 September (in school for Thursday 5 and Friday 6 September)Week 1
9 SeptemberWeek 2
16 SeptemberWeek 3
23 SeptemberWeek 1
30 SeptemberWeek 2
7 OctoberWeek 3
14 OctoberWeek 1
21 OctoberWeek 2



Week One menu

Week 2 menu

Week 3 menu



Hot meals are £2.55 and the cold lunch options are £2.30


Please note that prices from the start of the new school year in September 2024 will be: 

        Hot meals (red and green choices) £2.60 and cold lunch options (blue) £2.35


 All payments are online - Online Payment Link



Universal Infant Free School Meals


From September 2014, all children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 at our school will be entitled to a free school meal.

If you believe your child may have been entitled to a free school meal under the previous criteria, please, please apply for this eligibility even though you are getting the free meal, as we may receive extra funding for our school.


Please use the link below to make this application, or contact the office, who will be happy to help you. The Education Welfare Benefits Team are happy to answer any queries and can be contacted on 01223 703200 or



At Brington C of E Primary School, we are committed to guiding, encouraging and supporting our children to adopt a healthy lifestyle independently.

We develop positive attitudes towards health, fitness, healthy eating and well-being through a holistic approach across the entire school. We understand the importance of putting health, fitness and well-being first to promote positive lifestyles, and we prioritise an engaging curriculum, extra-curricular activities and the leadership of staff.

We firmly believe that all of this, in turn, impacts on pupil achievement and raises standards; a focus on making great choices in the physical, emotional and social environment is key to great learning.


Initiatives that support our Healthy Schools status include;

  • Forest School and outdoor curriculum learning programme for all classes
  • Curriculum cookery
  • Regular Yoga
  • Daily Mile
  • Extra-curricular sports opportunities
  • Buddy system for new children in EYFS
  • Sports/club Leaders

Healthy choices = healthy eating
