
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)


New academic Year 2024-25

Space Exploration!

This first half term we will be learning all about the space race and finding out about Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. The texts we will use for talk for writing will be stories about going into space and information about stars and space travel. 


We will be having indoor PE on Monday afternoons so we can use our bodies for gymnastics and dance using different apparatus. Our forest school session will be on Thursday mornings. Please can children wear their school PE kits on these days.

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New academic year 23-24

A walk in the jungle. 

This half term we will be learning about Brazil and what Houses, schools and churches look like near the Amazon river in the rainforest. We will be playing with animal puppets to make up stories about the rainforest and comparing our forest area learning space to the amazon rainforest.

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Fire! Fire!


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What can we play? 


This half term we are continuing our learning about toys thinking about what we might play on the playground and at a park. We are looking forward to being able to invite some of you in to teach us some skipping games and things you may have played when you were younger. Save the date! Thursday 21st March in the morning, (more details will come out at the beginning of March) 


We continue to have PE on a Friday morning but will be outdoors when we can this half term so please wear long bottoms and a sweatshirt. We have had to move our forest day to Thursday afternoon. Sorry. Please can children wear their outdoor kit on this day. Thank you. 

What's in the toy box? 

This term, we will be learning about different toys. 

We will find out what toys we played with when we were babies and toddlers. We will also be brave enough to talk to some visitors about their favourite toys from long ago. 


We have our own toy museum at school and we will learn all about teddy bears. All our books will also focus on bears. We will be starting our talk for writing work, so will be using our story mapping skills to plan our own stories too. 


Our P.E. will be indoors this term on Fridays, please come to school in PE kit on this day. 

Our Forest School session has moved to a Wednesday afternoon. On Wednesday please wear your outdoor PE kit, you may also want to pack, hats, gloves and extra socks along with your waterproof trousers. 




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Castles - Kings and Queens

This half term we will be finding out all about the castles in our local area. Our school trip to Rockingham Castle will get us started and you can help by taking a look around Kimbolton castle to see if you can spot any of the features we will be learning about. 

We will aslo take a look at a map of the United Kingdom and see if there are castles or palaces in different capital cities. We will be looking at the materials used to build castles and start to see why these materials would be chosen. 

Watch out! Dinosaurs about! 


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Welcome to Brington CE School! We will be starting our learning adventure with learning all about dinosaurs. We will be enjoying stories about dinosaurs and will be heading out in the village hunting for fossils and footprints and taking our dinosaur toys out on their own adventures. 


See you on Tuesday 5th Sept - week one - children in school until 11.00am.


Week two - children in school until 1.00pm.


Week three - children in full time until 3.15pm.


Children should wear their P.E. kits on Tuesday and forest school kit on Thursday. 



New academic year 2022-23

Terrific transport! 


This half term we will be learning all about diffrent transport. We will be looking at all the different parts of Sodor Island to help us discover more about Geography and why things are built. We will be making lots of different vehicles and making them move. We have some original books written about Thomas the Tank engine around 80 years ago! and these will inspire us to write our own adventure stories. 


Please wear your PE kits and bring your swimming kits on Wednesday and Friday as we will have swimming on these days. Unfortunately, we will no longer have time for a forest school afternoon. But don't worry, we can still go to the pond and use our bug back garden for lots of outside learning. 


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Marvellous Mini beasts ! 


This term we will be learning all about mini creatures. We will of course be using our magnifying glasses in the woods, we will become parents to some caterpillars (which hopefully will turn into butterflies) and then have a trip where we can compare what we have learnt with tropical butterflies from another climate. 


We will continue to have forest school on Thursday afternoons and PE on Friday mornings this half term. Please make sure wellies are kept in school as we will also be continuing our gardening throughout this term. 


See you all soon. 




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Eco warriors


Welcome to 2023! 

We start this year with a topic all about helping endangered animals, thinking about our environment and how to reduse, reuse and recycle. We are reallly looking forward to the whole of Owl class learning outdoors in our forest school every week this term. Please remember to bring in your forest school kit on Thursdays. Our PE day for this term remains on a Friday. You may come to school in your PE kit on this day. 

See you all soon. 

Celebrations around the world! 


This next half term we will be finding out all about different celebrations starting with Diwali and finishing with Christmas. We will be using maps to find different places around the world and each week our role play area will show a new celebration. We are looking forward to our Design and technology work, we will be making different breads from different countries, using our outdoor cooking skills. 


We look forward to welcoming many of our parents to our Thanksgiving feast, which we will cook on our fire pit. 

Owls class PE day will be on Friday. Children should come to school in their PE kits on this day. 

This is me! 

Our topic to start the new term is all about us. We will be finding out about our bodies, the things we can do and want to do. We will find out about our families and our pets and form our new class, spending lots of time making new friends. 

So to start us off... This is me! - Mrs Howe - My pet is Hugo (the cat) - My husband is Mr Howe (he loves to help out at school)- We love being on the water in boats and we love exploring outdoors. 

Should you wish to contact Owls class teacher please send an email to and we will aim to reply to you within 2 working days. 

Summer term 2 - Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! 



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What a way to end the year! A topic about the seaside and it started with a visit to the seaside! 

Thank you so much to the children for their excellent behaviour and for making our day so enjoyable. This term we will be learning all about seaside creatures in science and thinking about the geographical features in Hunstanton. 

We will be looking at landscape paintings in our art work and all our lovely books are to do with seasides too.  Our terrace area looks amazing with a paddling pool and our very own beach. We cannot wait!!! 

Summer Term 1 - It's time for Lunch

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This term is super exciting as we are going to be learning all about food. We will be making lots of different recipes and finding out about foods that we have had in our lives and hopefully foods from before we were born. We will be preparing things we can take on a picnic and cooking on our new barbecue and of course on the fire. 

Please note this half term our PE will be on a Thursday. 


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Old MacDonald had a farm and so do Brington School! 

We are getting ready for the arrival of our pigs and sheep. So excited! 

If you have waterproof trousers, they may come in handy as we feed and clean the animals. 


Be ready for a spring term with lots of outdoor learning and exploring as we get out and about in our local area. Wellies will be needed in our own play learning areas and on visits out of school. We will start to learn about different animals and look at farming here and in other parts of the world. 


Please note our PE day is now on a Monday for this term. 

Old Macdonalds farm

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Super Heroes to the rescue !

We cannot wait for the next half term. We will be learning all about super heroes and even having a special super hero day in school where we can wear our capes that we will be making. 


Our PE day will still be on Tuesday so please come to school in black jogging bottoms and a red t shirt with a black or red hoodie or sweatshirt on this day. 


We still have our doors and windows open to have good ventilation in our classroom and have daily outside learning so please dress warmly and bring a coat every day. Thank you. 


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Welcome to our outer space adventure! 

The classroom is all ready to welcome you all.

We have a planet exploration zone.

A new creation station.

A new phonics fun house. 

And we are so looking forward to building rockets and making aliens. 


Below you can find links to our curriculum plans for this half term. We will be having PE on a Tuesday, so please wear PE kit on these days. If you have spare wellies, it would be great to leave a pair in school. 


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