
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)

New behaviour procedures

We've started the summer term by introducing some new behaviour procedures after listening to our pupils, who told us that the current system wasn't working and didn't seem fair. The new procedures are based on a smiley face traffic light system, with pupils being moved to Amber if they receive a warning about inappropriate behaviour and then to red, if they continue. If the poor behaviour is of a more serious nature they may be moved straight to red.   Three red faces and parents will get a phone call from the class teacher. Six red faces and parents will be asked to come into school to discuss how they will support us to improve their child's behaviour. We will continually review this new system and do please let us know your thoughts and comments as it evolves. 


