
Brington Church of England

Primary School

Together, striving to be the best that we can be!

Latest News

  • Open afternoon

    Wed 11 Jun 2014 T.Reid

    40 visitors (including parents, prospective parents, governors and other members of our community) joined us during Open Afternoon yesterday.  They saw the school during a 'normal' Tuesday afternoon, joining in with lessons, looking at displays of work and exploring our outside place.


    Thank you to everyone who was able to join us; the children enjoyed sharing their learning with you.

  • Maths workshop

    Mon 09 Jun 2014 T. Reid

    15 parents joined Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Reid at the Maths Workshop on Monday night, where we looked at the progression of teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and had a go with some of the resources used in school.  Mrs Kennedy is currently finalising a parents' booklet to go out to all families to support parents in supporting their children with calculation.


    If you have any feedback about the usefulness of the workshop, or suggestions for future workshops, please pass them on to us.
