
Brington Church of England

Primary School

As we learn in the bible... Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
(Thessalonians 5:11)

Worship Committee

Worship Committee 2024-2025

Worship Committee - aims for 2024-2025

Worship Committee 2023-2024

Brington C of E Primary School

Worship Committee 2022-2023



Our Worship Committee are all members of Eagles class and teaching staff (Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Reed).  The Worship Committee meet at least once every half term to discuss various topics such as whole school worship, prayer spaces and our school values. Some of the main responsibilities of the worship committee include:



Main Duties and Responsibilities:

  • to create school artwork to be displayed in the hall for Worship
  • to read prayers and Bible readings
  • to lead whole school worship
  • to host special worship events such as the Carol service
  • attend regular Worship Group meetings
  • feedback ideas for themes for worship, prayers and hymns
  • to promote faith in our school
  • help lead on school charitable work such as the Harvest collection


Our Aims for 2022-2023


  • To develop new spiritual areas both inside and outside of the classroom.
  • To do an audit of the resources within our spiritual and reflection areas and order new equipment to improve these.
  • To set up Worship daily.
  • To evaluate Worship and make suggestions about how we can improve it 
  • Be involved in planning and delivering whole school Worship.
  • Consult over whole school values (love, forgiveness, service, courage)
  • Produce an artistic representation of a whole school prayer (displayed in the school hall).